Series: The True Meaning of Romans 13
In this series, Pastor Baldwin exposits the true meaning of Romans 13, often misinterpreted as a call to blind obedience to authority. Instead, it emphasizes our duty to resist those who abuse their power and uphold justice. Examine the importance of protecting our families and liberties, demanding a righteous government, and upholding God-given rights. Civil authority, individual responsibility, and the dangers of corruption and tyranny are reviewed.
The Limit of Civil Authority: We must not blindly follow every law or authority without question. Submission to unjust government is not a godly act. We must demand that our government be righteous and just, or we invite God's judgment upon ourselves. Our rights do not come from the State; they are given by God and it is the government's duty to protect them.
Protecting Our Families and Liberties: When good men fail to resist evil, they put themselves and their families at risk. We must be vigilant and stand up against any attempts by those in power to erode our liberties and undermine the principles of justice and freedom. We will be held accountable for our actions in accordance with God's laws.
Updated: 2023-11-1
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Higher powers are ordained by God to promote good and punish evil, but this does not mean that the government itself is divine. In fact, we must remember that the author of true freedom is God alone. Unfortunately, as governments become increasingly corrupt, it often leads to an even greater influence held by the wealthy elite. If we do not stand up against tyranny, we risk being ruled by elitists who prioritize their own power over the well-being of society. In such cases, when the government seeks to legitimize evil actions, men must take a firm stance and curse that wicked government for its transgressions. Submission to tyrannical rule is, in fact, rebellion against God's authority. Furthermore, liberals often use government organizations as tools to force people into compliance with their own agendas.
Ultimately, it is our responsibility as citizens to ensure that we leave behind a land of freedom for our descendants. We must be vigilant and stand up against any attempts by those in power to erode our liberties and undermine the principles of justice and freedom upon which our society was founded.
Updated: 2023-11-1
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God has given man reason and conscience and we will be held accountable for our actions in accordance with His moral laws. The commandment "thou shalt not steal" implies the concept of private property, a fundamental right that is often disregarded under unjust systems. Unfortunately, many people, including some preachers, have compromised their consciences to allow tyrants to commit evil acts, making them worse than the oppressors themselves. Today's world, particularly in America, is plagued by an unfair monetary system that perpetuates injustice. The Constitution can be a powerful tool for good when used lawfully. What sets humans apart from animals is not just intelligence or reason, but also our conscience, which guides us in making right decisions. Moreover, just because something is legal does not mean it is morally justifiable.
Updated: 2023-11-1
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The Bible teaches us that God does not ordain evil leaders, and that submission to an unjust government is not a godly act. When good men fail to resist evil, they not only fail to protect themselves but also their families from harm. People are conquered when men lack the courage or willingness to stand against injustice. If we do not demand that our government be righteous and just, it is us who sin and invite God's judgment upon ourselves. For us to follow Romans 13, which instructs us to submit to authority, we must first have a good government in place.
True fulfillment in life goes beyond mere retirement and wealth; it involves living with honor, character, courage, determination, and liberty. Before establishing governments, God gave us the family as the fundamental unit of society. Our rights do not come from the State; they are given by God and it is the government's duty to protect them. We know that our government has become evil when it starts oppressing the righteous. Furthermore, the State should never have the right to interfere with matters within the family.
Updated: 2023-11-1
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God created all men to live in society, but when civil authorities fail to uphold the Constitution, they abrogate the right of civil authority. This passage does not imply that we must blindly follow every law or authority without question; rather, it emphasizes our duty to resist those who abuse their power. Christ's authority is absolute and based on His goodness, mercy, wisdom, and other virtues. The duty of civil magistrates is to uphold justice and judgment, but unfortunately, many fail to understand the principles of Natural Law that are to guide their actions. God cannot condone tyranny and often uses even evil rulers as a means of judging people for their sins. Conversely, He also empowers individuals to resist and judge those who abuse their power.