Series: Natural Law, Liberty, and Government
American pastors often revel in patriotic fervor, extolling the virtues of America and its founding documents. The Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights are venerable, but few of these pastors can explain the underlying reasons for their significance. Regrettably, the vast majority of American ministers today are either ignorant of Natural Law, or deliberately suppress knowledge of it.
In this 10-part sermon series, Pastor Baldwin delves into the Scriptural basis for Natural Law, exploring its implications for governance, liberty, and the role of the local church.
The Biblical Record of Natural Law: Pastor Baldwin summarizes the key principles of Natural Law and provides a comprehensive understanding of the Biblical basis for a just, moral, and free society.
Self-Evident Truths: Discover how the principles of Natural Law are embedded in the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights. These documents outline the role of government, with an emphasis on protecting individual rights and freedoms. Learn the distinction between sin and crime, and the limitations of government authority.
The Significance of the Second Amendment: Pastor Baldwin examines the Biblical warnings against tyranny and the importance of self-defense, highlighting the need for individuals to take responsibility for their own protection and the protection of their communities. Believers have a responsibility to uphold God's laws and principles, including the importance of self-defense and resisting tyranny and oppression. Jesus' instruction to buy a weapon, despite Caesar's law, highlights the supremacy of Natural Law over human legislation.
The Role of the Local Church: Learn how the church has a critical role to play in promoting freedom and resisting tyranny, and how pastors must fulfill their duty to teach on these important issues. Modern "churches" emphasis on patriotism and nationalism had led to idolatry. Pastor Baldwin exposes the false doctrine of the two spheres, which separates the spiritual and temporal realms, and demonstrates how this teaching undermines the Bible and its application to all areas of life.
Updated: 2023-11-11
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The Noahic Covenant is a crucial aspect of Biblical teaching that has been neglected in contemporary preaching. This covenant establishes man's authority over the planet and outlines his responsibilities in exercising this right. Under God, men have jurisdiction over the earth, and this grant of authority is accompanied by specific responsibilities, including the management of the land, the care of animals, and the duty to work. The Bible teaches that God has vested in us the right to private property (the pursuit of happiness) and the authority to provide for ourselves and our families. However, this authority is not without limits, and God prohibits us from abusing our power. When civil government sheds innocent blood, that society is destined for judgment, and America's current trajectory is a stark reminder of this truth. The solution to America's problems is not to be found in the White House, but in the church houses, where believers must take responsibility for upholding God's laws and principles. Our duty is to obey God's commands, and the results are in His hands.
Updated: 2023-11-11
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The Pharisees' method of interpretation, which is still prevalent in many contemporary Christian churches, has led to the mistake of placing the lower law above the higher law. This approach has resulted in a prioritization of rules and regulations over the fundamental principles of God's Natural Law, which includes the provision and protection of human life. In contrast, the Bible teaches that there is a higher law that supersedes the lower law, and that it is not lawful to break the higher law in order to follow the lower one. This is illustrated in the natural world, where self-defense is a fundamental principle that reflects God's design. Furthermore, Biblical examples such as Abraham and Moses demonstrate the duty and importance of defending oneself and others, particularly those who are weaker. Ultimately, those who surrender their arms and fail to defend themselves and others are often enslaved or killed, highlighting the importance of standing up for justice and protecting the vulnerable.
Updated: 2023-11-11
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A man must know God as his Creator before he can know Him as Savior.
Updated: 2023-11-11
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The Bible is clear that "no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation" (II Peter), meaning that the Scriptures are not the product of human imagination, but rather the inspired Word of God. This truth has significant implications for our understanding of authority and governance. The destruction of our founding principles can be directly traced to our country's willful rejection of the Bible as our source of divine authority. The Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and our form of government are all rooted in Biblical principles, and their erosion is a result of abandoning these spiritual foundations. Our liberties are worth more than our safety, and true freedom can only be found in submitting to God's authority. As the Bible says, "God has magnified His Word above all His Holy name" (Psalm 138:2), and it is our duty to uphold and defend the principles of His Word. The Biblical references that undergird our founding documents are numerous, from the law of nature (Romans 2:14-16) to the right to bear arms (Luke 11:21, 22:35-36) and the separation of powers (Isaiah 33:22). It is the duty of ministers to teach these spiritual principles and to remind the people of their importance in maintaining a just and free society.
Updated: 2023-11-11
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The distinction between a sin and a crime is often blurred, but it's essential to understand that a sin is a transgression of God's law, while a crime is an accusation brought against a citizen by the government. Not all crimes are sins, and not all sins are crimes. The government's role is to adjudicate the acts of one citizen against another, but it is not God and should not be treated as such. When laws punish good works or deny men their natural rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, they are unjust and sinful. The decline of America is closely tied to our ignorance of God's laws, and the prison system is a prime example of how the government can perpetuate injustice. There are times when disobeying a law is the right thing to do, as seen in the example of the midwives in Egypt who refused to obey the government's order to kill babies. Ultimately, governments must have limited authority, and Christians must be careful not to become modern-day Pharisees, prioritizing man-made laws over God's laws.
Liberty in Law.mp3
1h 3m
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Updated: 2023-11-11
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God's Natural Law is universal and applies to all nations, not just a select few. This means that the principles of liberty and justice that are rooted in Natural Law are not unique to any one country or culture, but are instead a universal standard that should guide all governments and societies. In fact, our American heritage is built on these principles, and if we reject them, our heritage means nothing. The form of government, even if it's a republic, is of little significance if it doesn't protect our liberties and uphold the substance of Natural Law. Similarly, Christianity in its form (also called "Christendom") is useless without its substance. Ultimately, it's not enough to simply claim knowledge of the Bible or affiliation with a particular denomination; what matters is whether we are living in accordance with God's laws, including His Natural Law. God gave us our conscience and reasoning abilities to discern whether a law is tyrannical in nature and contrary to God's laws, and a responsibility to take a stand for what is right.
Updated: 2023-11-11
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The doctrine of sacred resistance is a crucial aspect of Biblical teaching that has been neglected by many pastors in America. This doctrine emphasizes the importance of resisting tyranny and oppression, and the Second Amendment is a vital component of this resistance. Tyrants, whether they be political or religious leaders, fear the people and hate Christ, and they will stop at nothing to maintain their power and control. The Bible teaches that "they that take the sword shall perish with the sword," meaning that those who rule by force and violence will ultimately be destroyed by rebellion or invasion. Jesus Himself commanded His disciples to be armed, and the Bible teaches that oppressors will be overtaken by resistance. However, this doctrine of sacred resistance must be exercised in accord with God's laws, and not driven by personal passions or emotions. Preachers who refuse to preach on this topic are cowards, and the loss of the Second Amendment would ultimately lead to the loss of the First Amendment and the freedom to preach the Gospel. The Word of God is not just about the Gospel, but also about how to live in all areas of life, including our political life.
Updated: 2023-11-11
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The Bible is replete with instances of the call to liberty, from Abraham's call to leave Haran and rescue his nephew Lot, to Moses and the Exodus, and the deliverance from Babylon. These stories demonstrate God's desire for His people to be free from oppression and tyranny. However, aggressive war is not in accordance with the laws of God, and our nation's involvement in unjust, undeclared, and unconstitutional wars is a clear violation of this principle. The only legitimate purpose of war is self-defense. If we truly want to honor and support our troops, we should only ask them to go to war for our defense. The great struggle of our time is not between Democrats and Republicans, but between those who want to be free and those who do not. This struggle is not new, and has continued throughout history after Revelation, from the Protestant Reformation to the birth of America.
Updated: 2023-11-11
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The book of Romans is the greatest book of doctrine in the Bible, covering every primary doctrine and providing a foundation for understanding God's laws and principles. The Mosaic law is a record of the Natural Law of God. This is evident in the fact that individuals like Cain, Pharaoh, and Joseph knew that murder, adultery, and perjury were wrong, even before the 10 Commandments were given. The story of Melchizedec blessing Abram after the battle with the kings also highlights the importance of Natural Law and the need for protection and self-defense. Jesus Himself taught His disciples to break the civil law and buy a sword. The judges in the Old Testament rebelled against a tyrannical government, showing that Natural Law can sometimes require us to take a stand against unjust authority. Ultimately, liberty comes from God, not government, and any laws that contradict the laws of nature are tyranny. The Declaration of Independence recognized this truth, stating that certain rights are self-evident and come from God. The modern churches' sin of idolatry, ascribing God's authority to man and government, is a blasphemy that must be rejected.
Updated: 2023-11-11
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One of the critical duties of preachers is to inform leaders and the people about the laws of God regarding war, before a nation engages in conflict. This is essential in determining whether a war is just, and it's a responsibility that has been neglected in our country. Unfortunately, our nation has not fought a just war under the laws of nature and God since World War II. The fact is, our nation is not righteous, and our hands are full of innocent blood. We have instead become a global empire, driven by self-interest and aggression.
We have a callous disregard for human life, which is a clear violation of God's natural and spiritual laws. The Bible teaches that a just war is one that is fought in accordance with God's laws. Unfortunately, many pastors have failed to do inform the congregation, leaving the nation to pursue war without a clear understanding of God's will. Furthermore, the common misinterpretation of Romans 13 has led some to believe that it justifies a nation's right to wage war, but in reality, it has nothing to do with war and is instead about the relationship between believers and their government. As Thomas Jefferson once said, "war is as much a punishment to the punisher as the sufferer," and it's a truth that we would do well to remember.