The Weston Study Bible with notes by Charles Gilbert Weston exposing the Scofield and other heresies. Ask your Christian book store.
John Gerstner, Ph.D., Wrongly Dividing the Word of Truth.
E.B. Elliott, Horae Apocalypticae.
H.Gratton Guinness, The Approaching End ofthe Age.
Bishop Thomas Newton, Dissertations on the Prophecies.
Michael Berry, Foundation for Restoration, Revival Press, Box 130, Bedford, TX 76021.
Dr. D. James Kennedy, three cassette tapes on The End Times, Box 40, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33302.
Rev. John Bray, booklets covering all phases of the subject, Israel in Bible Prophecy, The Two Resurrections, etc., Box 90121, Lakeland, FL 33804.
Other sources for books on prophecy:
Ralph Woodrow, P.O. Box 124, Riverside, CA 92502
GAM Publications, P.O. Box 25, Sterling, VA 22170
Banner of Truth, P.O. Box 621, Carlisle, PA 17013
Chapel Library, 2603, W Wright St., Pensacola, FL 32502
Rare Christian Books, 19275 Highway 28, Dixon, MO 65459
(Books by Wm. Cox and Philip Mauro)
Valley Gospel Mission, 3923 240th St., R.R. #12, Langley, B.C. V3V 7B9, CANADA
Some of these books are rare, but your librarian may be able to borrow from another source.